J.J., permalink
Pastebėjote naujienas jame? Gal kas naudojate?
Microsoft Office LTSC 2021 |
J.J., permalink
Pastebėjote naujienas jame? Gal kas naudojate?
bat0nas, permalink
On 2021-10-11 20:04, J.J. wrote:
Pastebėjote naujienas jame? Gal kas naudojate?
Naujienas lyginant su kuo? Office 95?
J.J., permalink
Office Professional 2021 helps you create, present, communicate, and
publish professional-looking documents with time-saving features, a new
modern look, and built-in collaboration tools. Save your work in the
cloud on OneDrive and access it from anywhere.
New features:
- XLOOKUP function - helps find things in a table or range by row in
an Excel worksheet.
- Dynamic array support - new functions in Excel that use dynamic
- LET function - an Excel feature that lets you assign names to
calculation results.
- XMATCH function - this searches for a specified item in an array or
range of cells and returns the item's relative position.
- OpenDocument format (ODF) 1.3 support
- Updated Draw tab
- Performance improvements
- Record Slide Show - this new PowerPoint feature includes presenter
video recording, ink recording and laser pointer recording.
- Replay your ink strokes - if you're using ink in PowerPoint, you can
now replay illustrations as they were drawn.
- Arrange elements on your slides for screen readers - this lets
you re-arrange elements to optimize them for screen readers.
- OpenDocument format (ODF) 1.3 support
- Updated Draw tab
- Performance improvements
- Translator and ink - You can now annotate emails, draw in a canvas
for messages, or translate emails into more than 70 languages.
- Instant search - search results are now instant, with more ways to
refine and filter results.
- Performance improvements
- OpenDocument format (ODF) 1.3 support
- Updated Draw tab
- Performance improvements
"bat0nas" bat0nas.ok@gmail.com wrote in message
Naujienas lyginant su kuo? Office 95?
Sniegas, permalink
Jonas matomai neturi mergos, neturi ką veikti, tai dirba programų
testuotoju, bet patirties truputį trūksta, tai pastoviai mūsų
klausinėja, tikėdamasis, kad ir mes dirbame programų testuotojais.
Jonai, aš dar naudoju MS Office 2010 ir man jo pilnai pakanka.
2021-10-16 20:12, J.J. rašė:
Office Professional 2021 helps you create, present, communicate, and
publish professional-looking documents with time-saving features, a new
modern look, and built-in collaboration tools. Save your work in the
cloud on OneDrive and access it from anywhere.New features:
- XLOOKUP function - helps find things in a table or range by row in
an Excel worksheet.
- Dynamic array support - new functions in Excel that use dynamic
- LET function - an Excel feature that lets you assign names to
calculation results.
- XMATCH function - this searches for a specified item in an array or
range of cells and returns the item's relative position.
- OpenDocument format (ODF) 1.3 support
- Updated Draw tab
- Performance improvements
- Record Slide Show - this new PowerPoint feature includes presenter
video recording, ink recording and laser pointer recording.
- Replay your ink strokes - if you're using ink in PowerPoint, you can
now replay illustrations as they were drawn.
- Arrange elements on your slides for screen readers - this lets
you re-arrange elements to optimize them for screen readers.
- OpenDocument format (ODF) 1.3 support
- Updated Draw tab
- Performance improvements
- Translator and ink - You can now annotate emails, draw in a canvas
for messages, or translate emails into more than 70 languages.
- Instant search - search results are now instant, with more ways to
refine and filter results.
- Performance improvements
- OpenDocument format (ODF) 1.3 support
- Updated Draw tab
- Performance improvements"bat0nas" bat0nas.ok@gmail.com wrote in message
news:skf03s$v21$1@news.rkm.lt...Naujienas lyginant su kuo? Office 95?
J.J., permalink
Iš kur atspėjai? :)
"Sniegas" elektrenai@elektrenai.lt wrote in message
Jonas matomai neturi mergos, neturi ką veikti, tai dirba programų
testuotoju, bet patirties truputį trūksta, tai pastoviai mūsų klausinėja,
tikėdamasis, kad ir mes dirbame programų testuotojais.Jonai, aš dar naudoju MS Office 2010 ir man jo pilnai pakanka.
Sniegas, permalink
Galvoji atspėjau? Aš žinau, čia nereikia spėti.
Jonai, nurodyk bent vieną dalyką Office 2021, kurio aš pasigesčiau
Office 2010? Jis padaro viską, ko man reikia, o tie visi atnaujinimai
tik pinigų išviliojimui.
2021-10-16 20:55, J.J. rašė:
Iš kur atspėjai? :)
"Sniegas" elektrenai@elektrenai.lt wrote in message
news:skf3as$i5$1@news.rkm.lt...Jonas matomai neturi mergos, neturi ką veikti, tai dirba programų
testuotoju, bet patirties truputį trūksta, tai pastoviai mūsų
klausinėja, tikėdamasis, kad ir mes dirbame programų testuotojais.Jonai, aš dar naudoju MS Office 2010 ir man jo pilnai pakanka.
bat0nas, permalink
Vien šita naujovė yra verta visos Office kainos:
"professional-looking documents with time-saving features"
"J.J." no@microsoft.com Wrote in message:r
Office Professional 2021 helps you create, present, communicate, and publish professional-looking documents with time-saving features, a new modern look, and built-in collaboration tools. Save your work in the cloud on OneDrive and access it from anywhere. New features: Excel - XLOOKUP function - helps find things in a table or range by row in an Excel worksheet. - Dynamic array support - new functions in Excel that use dynamic arrays. - LET function - an Excel feature that lets you assign names to calculation results. - XMATCH function - this searches for a specified item in an array or range of cells and returns the item's relative position. - OpenDocument format (ODF) 1.3 support - Updated Draw tab - Performance improvements PowerPoint - Record Slide Show - this new PowerPoint feature includes presenter video recording, ink recording and laser pointer recording. - Replay your ink strokes - if you're using ink in PowerPoint, you can now replay illustrations as they were drawn. - Arrange elements on your slides for screen readers - this lets you re-arrange elements to optimize them for screen readers. - OpenDocument format (ODF) 1.3 support - Updated Draw tab - Performance improvements Outlook - Translator and ink - You can now annotate emails, draw in a canvas for messages, or translate emails into more than 70 languages. - Instant search - search results are now instant, with more ways to refine and filter results. - Performance improvements Word - OpenDocument format (ODF) 1.3 support - Updated Draw tab - Performance improvements"bat0nas" bat0nas.ok@gmail.com wrote in message news:skf03s$v21$1@news.rkm.lt...> Naujienas lyginant su kuo? Office 95?
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