Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19043.1165]
(c) „Microsoft Corporation“. Visos teisės ginamos.
C:WindowsSystem32>net user 9bkl
User name 9bkl
Full Name
User's comment
Country/region code 000 (System Default)
Account active Yes
Account expires Never
Password last set 2021-08-25 07:58:58
Password expires 2021-10-06 07:58:58
Password changeable 2021-08-25 07:58:58
Password required Yes
User may change password Yes
Workstations allowed All
Logon script
User profile
Home directory
Last logon 2020-11-18 11:56:48
Logon hours allowed All
Local Group Memberships
Global Group memberships *None
The command completed successfully.
C:WindowsSystem32>net user 9bkl delete
The command completed successfully.
C:WindowsSystem32>net user 9bkl delete
The command completed successfully.
C:WindowsSystem32>net user 9bkl delete
The command completed successfully.
C:WindowsSystem32>net user 9bkl delete
The command completed successfully.
Kiek betrinčiau, neišsitrina, kaip koks read only.
"Remigijus" parašė naujienų news:sg27vd$46g$
Ar bandėte paleisti net user 9bkl /remove ir tada vel net user 9bkl
**************** /add ?