cD-r0m, permalink
Nusimato į Norvegiją, kadangi čia lyg vietinių turim - ten dabar
atskrist reikia tik EU covid sertifikato ir viskas?
Kaip situacija šalyje su kaukėm realiai, kur reikia, kur nereikia?
Norvegija |
cD-r0m, permalink
Nusimato į Norvegiją, kadangi čia lyg vietinių turim - ten dabar
atskrist reikia tik EU covid sertifikato ir viskas?
Kaip situacija šalyje su kaukėm realiai, kur reikia, kur nereikia?
tranzoo, permalink
automobiliu vaziuojant reikia tureti vakcinacija arba but persirgus
neseniau kaip pries 6 men. (tai patvirtinancius dokumentus)
del visa ko bukit uzsipylde jo dabar
nereikia, bet nevisi tai zino...
su atskridimu neturetu but kazkas kitaip
kaukes rekomenduojamos. privalomos tik viesajame transporte ir vietose,
kur taip nuspresta. bus zenklai.
cia jei esi nevakcinuotas is lietuvos:
At present, the opportunity for foreigners to enter Norway from
countries or areas defined as red or orange is limited. For an overview
of who can enter, visit the UDI.
The following applies if you are allowed to enter Norway:
You will need to complete the travel registration form. The digital
registration must be completed no earlier than 72 hours prior to the
time of arrival.
You will need to provide documentation of a negative test result. The
test must be taken less than 24 hours prior to entry to Norway. Certain
exceptions apply, see this list
If you arrive by air the test can be taken less than 24 hours prior to
departure time. If your journey involves connecting flights, departure
time refers to the first flight of your flight itinerary.
You will need to take a test for the corona virus at the border upon
arrival to Norway. This is a rapid antigen-based test, and you will have
to wait at the testing station for the test result. Certain exceptions
apply, see further information here.
You will need to complete your travel quarantine duty, either in your
own home or at another suitable place of residence. As a rule of thumb,
the travel quarantine duty period is 10 days.
Testing while in quarantine:
You will need to take a PCR-based test seven days after arrival to
Norway. You will need to contact the municipality to arrange for testing
yourself. If the test result comes back negative (no virus detected) the
travel quarantine can be ended. You must be able to document the test
Children and youth under the age of 18 years old can take a PCR-based
test three days after arrival. If the test result comes back negative
(no virus detected) the travel quarantine can be ended. You must be able
to document the test result.
On 16/09/2021 10:07, cD-r0m wrote:
Nusimato į Norvegiją, kadangi čia lyg vietinių turim - ten dabar
atskrist reikia tik EU covid sertifikato ir viskas?Kaip situacija šalyje su kaukėm realiai, kur reikia, kur nereikia?
cD-r0m, permalink
Skiepytas ir viską, be skiepo/persirgimo net ir negalvočiau kažkur važinėt.
Skrisim, aš pas juos visur kiek matau ir tos formos nereik, kaip sakai.
Užsipildyt nesunku, tik ar nebus, kad ją užpildžius automatiškai įtrauks
į poreikį karantinuotis?
Apie kaukes ačiū, sunkų tokią info rast būna dažniausiai.
On 2021-09-17 08:21, tranzoo wrote:
automobiliu vaziuojant reikia tureti vakcinacija arba but persirgus
neseniau kaip pries 6 men. (tai patvirtinancius dokumentus)
del visa ko bukit uzsipylde jo dabar
nereikia, bet nevisi tai atskridimu neturetu but kazkas kitaip
kaukes rekomenduojamos. privalomos tik viesajame transporte ir vietose,
kur taip nuspresta. bus zenklai.cia jei esi nevakcinuotas is lietuvos:
At present, the opportunity for foreigners to enter Norway from
countries or areas defined as red or orange is limited. For an overview
of who can enter, visit the UDI.The following applies if you are allowed to enter Norway:
You will need to complete the travel registration form. The digital
registration must be completed no earlier than 72 hours prior to the
time of arrival.
You will need to provide documentation of a negative test result. The
test must be taken less than 24 hours prior to entry to Norway. Certain
exceptions apply, see this list
If you arrive by air the test can be taken less than 24 hours prior to
departure time. If your journey involves connecting flights, departure
time refers to the first flight of your flight itinerary.
You will need to take a test for the corona virus at the border upon
arrival to Norway. This is a rapid antigen-based test, and you will have
to wait at the testing station for the test result. Certain exceptions
apply, see further information here.
You will need to complete your travel quarantine duty, either in your
own home or at another suitable place of residence. As a rule of thumb,
the travel quarantine duty period is 10 days.
Testing while in quarantine:
You will need to take a PCR-based test seven days after arrival to
Norway. You will need to contact the municipality to arrange for testing
yourself. If the test result comes back negative (no virus detected) the
travel quarantine can be ended. You must be able to document the test
Children and youth under the age of 18 years old can take a PCR-based
test three days after arrival. If the test result comes back negative
(no virus detected) the travel quarantine can be ended. You must be able
to document the test result.On 16/09/2021 10:07, cD-r0m wrote:
Nusimato į Norvegiją, kadangi čia lyg vietinių turim - ten dabar
atskrist reikia tik EU covid sertifikato ir viskas?Kaip situacija šalyje su kaukėm realiai, kur reikia, kur nereikia?
tranzoo, permalink
realiai visiems viskas pochuj ten. as net nepildydavau. uzpildydau
vietoj, jei paklausia. karta, uzsikimsus testavimui, eme ir visus
paleido be jokio tikrinimo... nes realiai gal koks vienas kitas
ryteuropietis su buduliamobiliu ir bandys prasmukt, bet tuos net ir be
pandemijos krato... visi kiti be reikalo nesituso.
jei vakcinuoti - karantino nereikia.
On 17/09/2021 10:26, cD-r0m wrote:
Skiepytas ir viską, be skiepo/persirgimo net ir negalvočiau kažkur važinėt.
Skrisim, aš pas juos visur kiek matau ir tos formos nereik, kaip sakai.
Užsipildyt nesunku, tik ar nebus, kad ją užpildžius automatiškai įtrauks
į poreikį karantinuotis?Apie kaukes ačiū, sunkų tokią info rast būna dažniausiai.
On 2021-09-17 08:21, tranzoo wrote:
automobiliu vaziuojant reikia tureti vakcinacija arba but persirgus
neseniau kaip pries 6 men. (tai patvirtinancius dokumentus)
del visa ko bukit uzsipylde jo dabar
nereikia, bet nevisi tai atskridimu neturetu but kazkas kitaip
kaukes rekomenduojamos. privalomos tik viesajame transporte ir vietose,
kur taip nuspresta. bus zenklai.cia jei esi nevakcinuotas is lietuvos:
At present, the opportunity for foreigners to enter Norway from
countries or areas defined as red or orange is limited. For an overview
of who can enter, visit the UDI.The following applies if you are allowed to enter Norway:
You will need to complete the travel registration form. The digital
registration must be completed no earlier than 72 hours prior to the
time of arrival.
You will need to provide documentation of a negative test result. The
test must be taken less than 24 hours prior to entry to Norway. Certain
exceptions apply, see this list
If you arrive by air the test can be taken less than 24 hours prior to
departure time. If your journey involves connecting flights, departure
time refers to the first flight of your flight itinerary.
You will need to take a test for the corona virus at the border upon
arrival to Norway. This is a rapid antigen-based test, and you will have
to wait at the testing station for the test result. Certain exceptions
apply, see further information here.
You will need to complete your travel quarantine duty, either in your
own home or at another suitable place of residence. As a rule of thumb,
the travel quarantine duty period is 10 days.
Testing while in quarantine:
You will need to take a PCR-based test seven days after arrival to
Norway. You will need to contact the municipality to arrange for testing
yourself. If the test result comes back negative (no virus detected) the
travel quarantine can be ended. You must be able to document the test
Children and youth under the age of 18 years old can take a PCR-based
test three days after arrival. If the test result comes back negative
(no virus detected) the travel quarantine can be ended. You must be able
to document the test result.On 16/09/2021 10:07, cD-r0m wrote:
Nusimato į Norvegiją, kadangi čia lyg vietinių turim - ten dabar
atskrist reikia tik EU covid sertifikato ir viskas?Kaip situacija šalyje su kaukėm realiai, kur reikia, kur nereikia?